Sunday, December 21, 2008

IP MAN rox!

Ip Man is adapted from the life story of Ip Man, the grand master of the Wing Chun style of kung fu and sifu (master) of legendary kung fu superstar Bruce Lee. Ip's persistent devotion to Wing Chun is a classic example of the love and respect shown to wushu and the freedom and spirit it represents. Ip Man is a concept, a spirit, a way of thinking - and it represent a new peak in Hong Kong’s wushu movies.

(Source: Golden Screen Cinemas Sdn. Bhd.)xD!

there's a part when d japanese as ip man wts his name..he answered 'i'm just a CHINESE'' i think ..haha
went ktn parade around 2.50 .saw jj n listen 2 of his songs b4 go bck.

off to dinner~wt wt festival? zZ
eat 'tong yun' xD!

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